5 ways to improve your mental fitness and become the best performer you set out to be


Over the past five years, I went from investment banking to working with elite athletes to becoming a performance psychologist and then supporting business leaders as an executive coach. I have been on the front lines, working with over 250 clients worldwide and training over 2,000 hours.l experienced during the pandemic. 

What did I learn from this experience? 

A simple truth that I still hold dear: Without wellness, there is no successful high performance. This truth has been tried and tested. And so I dedicate my life and work to releasing the power of spiritual form. 


Top performers understand the detrimental effects of chronic stress on their well-being and productivity. Developing a practice of mindfulness is essential. The key to practicing mindfulness is to develop an informal mindfulness practice that allows you to incorporate your mindfulness into your daily life. Exercise, such as walking your dog every day, if done consciously and intentionally, can make a difference in your performance. 


One of my clients turned this daily routine into much-needed self-care time, using time to tune into nature, reflect, and create her own thoughts. Through breathing, they used their inner knowledge and power. As the practice evolved, it sparked creativity and wisdom. We often joked in training that if we hit roadblocks, we could just wait for their morning dog run to magically bring the answers. And so it has always been. 

 So if you really want to walk on water and be successful, focus on practicing mindfulness. The next time you take a shower or grab a cup of coffee, ask yourself


The traditional understanding of work-life balance often creates disharmony and stress. We find ourselves jumping from one thing to another, trying to shift gears and balance responsibilities that often conflict with one another. This will only lead to exhaustion. 


 The new vision should be work-life integration, which involves combining personal and professional priorities to create a harmonious mix. Done well, it doesn't feel like a constant balancing act. Instead, it should feel like you're effortlessly developing flexibility throughout the workday to meet the demands as best you can. Integrating work and family life allows you to manage your energy and complete tasks when it is optimal for you and your family while fulfilling important work responsibilities.

In my personal life, working remotely and with the freedom to combine my passions with the company's strategic goals has allowed me to achieve more than I ever thought possible. I've grown my coaching business, worked as a senior coaching consultant for a major corporation, published a book on mental fitness, started a podcast, and created an online mental fitness toolkit while helping other people's fathers.

I could have become. Time So listen to me when work-life integration works well increases productivity and creates harmony in all aspects of your life. You will be amazed at the high level of performance you can achieve. 

Flexibility and adjustability 

 Top performers thrive in dynamic environments where flexibility and adaptability are paramount. Recognize that change is inevitable and develop a mindset that sees challenges as opportunities for growth.

 My goal is to help my clients become potential superheroes who confront change and uncertainty rather than run away from them. why? Because this is where we grow. My clients have learned to accept the basics that there is no such thing as permanent stability or total control. Both concepts are illusions.

So you have two options. Either cling to the illusion or dive headfirst to develop the ability to adapt strategy, pivot quickly, be flexible, and find innovative solutions. This adaptability allows us to remain flexible and agile in the face of uncertainty. 


 Promotes self-efficacy and emotional intelligence 

 Self-reflection is a powerful tool for personal growth and peak performance. Without knowing your hidden talents and potential blind spots, you are effectively fumbling in the dark waiting for disaster, or worse, complete burnout. A core part of my training is providing background to my clients.

Provide a safe space where they can get to know themselves on a deeper level and prepare for success. Work with them to pave the way to your dream life. In addition to attending training sessions, I recommend recording or recording your speech regularly so that you can check your stream of consciousness.

Regular self-reflection boosts your self-confidence and improves your decision-making, interpersonal relationships, and overall efficiency. All of these are important for maintaining high performance. 

 Prioritize calm and rest 

 Contrary to the assumption that constant hustle and bustle leads to peak performance, constant success requires adequate rest and relaxation. My journey as a senior coach has given me the opportunity to work with elite athletes. And indeed, here  I discovered the truth about top performance for the first time. All of the top athletes I have worked with have achieved world-class results in rest, recovery, and rejuvenation training.

I have witnessed training in hot weather with athlete clients. I was blown away by the meticulous care they put into planning vacations, rest, and relaxation. what kind of ice cream was there imagine my surprise when I returned to the corporate world as an Executive Leadership Coach and found that success was still defined as working around the clock. 

We realized that the lies we were taught about resilience and consistently high performance were negatively impacting our self-esteem and well-being. You know what I mean: sleep is for the weak. Try every minute of every day. Please don't stop. Otherwise, you will never succeed. 


 My mission now is to rewrite the script exposing this kind of message as it is: a blatant lie. Because when it comes to rest and recovery, if it's good enough for Serena Williams, LeBron James, and Roger Federer, it's good enough for you. You need to become an expert in planning and protecting your rest, recuperation and rejuvenation. Be careful when doing this. Make adjustments until you are confident that they will support you at the next level you envision. 


 If you want to improve your mental fitness but are not 100% sure whether you should seek coaching help, rather than recovering from burnout or recovering from burnout tomorrow and recovering from a mental crisis. Remember that taking small consistent steps today is much easier. Don't ignore your mental health, be proactive about it.

 Through my work as a high-performance trainer, I have learned that the difference between success and just surviving is whether you actively build your mental fitness. By harnessing the power of mental fitness, you can transform the way you approach challenges and take yourself to a whole new level: brilliance and true prosperity in all areas of your life.